Etoile de la semaine!
Félicitations! Congratulations, you are next week’s star of the week! Please create a poster to display in the classroom that tells all about you, in French! Include some photos or drawings and use the French sentences below. You can add other things, too, if you like! Your teachers are here to help and if you need to look something up at home, try http://www.wordreference.com/ . Good luck! J
Je m’appelle _________________________ .
My name is
Mon anniversaire est le _________________________.
My birthday is
Mon livre préféré est _________________________.
My favorite book is
Mon film préféré est _________________________.
My favorite movie is
Mon sujet préféré à lécole est _________________________.
My favorite subject at school is
Mon activitée préférée est _________________________.
My favorite activity/hobby is
Ma nourriture préférée est _________________________.
My favorite food is
Il y a _________ personnes dans ma famille
There are _________ people in my family
J’ai _________ sœurs./ J’ai _________ frères.
I have _________ sisters./ I have _________ brothers.
J’ai un chat/une chatte. /J’ai un chien/une chienne.
I have a (male) cat/ (female) cat./ I have a (male) dog/ (female) dog.
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